In a world built on excess and waste, minimalism is a refreshing alternative that not only allows people to free up physical space but also mental space. While the idea of minimalism is appealing, many people struggle to efficiently implement the practice into their lives. It can be difficult to let things go and to open up space in our lives. So I have compiled the 5 best ways to implement minimalism into your life in the hopes that it will help you along your journey.
1. Declutter Regularly
Although it is obvious that getting rid of things is a core part of minimalism, it is often easier said than done. It is impossible to avoid accumulating things to some degree and so it becomes crucial that you declutter regularly.
Some people may need to implement a schedule in which they set aside time for decluttering.
Others may not use a schedule and opt to implement the practice throughout their day to day lives. Another method that can help you get started is the one in, one out rule that says that every time you obtain a new thing, you have to get rid of something similar. This can help you maintain balance and is a good way to limit the amount of clutter in your life. When getting rid of things, try giving them away to your community members who can put them to better use. You can download Alset to give your stuff away to a community that puts people over profits. And if you aren’t feeling so minimalist, you might even find someone giving away something that you want.
To start implementing this idea effectively, it is important that you reflect on your lifestyle and what methods work best for you. Regardless of what you decide, the first step to living a more minimalist lifestyle is to minimize the things you have.
2. Prioritize Quality Over Quantity
When practicing a minimalist lifestyle, the few things that you end up holding onto can be important. Therefore, choosing high-quality objects over cheap, replaceable ones is advisable. This not only has more long term value to you but is also one less thing you have to get rid of and is better for the environment.
In the context of minimalism, quantity is, at least to some degree, the enemy. While reducing quantity is important, it is equally important that the things that remain are functional and durable. Prioritize quality when selecting which items to keep so you aren’t constantly having to replace them.
3. Utilize Space Efficiently
When lessening the things you own, it is important that you don’t sacrifice the important parts of life that you enjoy. The way you utilize your spaces is one of the easiest ways to retain certain objects without letting them clutter your life. With the right organization, a small space can feel spacious while still storing your belongings.
First, consider which spaces can be better utilized. Spaces under the stairs and in empty corners often go unused, contributing to the clutter in a living space. Next, consider implementing multifunctional furniture and storage. Pull out tables, couches and storage spaces can discreetly hold onto your things without cluttering your space. Lastly, you may want to consider using vertical storage like shelves and cabinets, especially if floor space is limited.
Although minimalism is first and foremost about having fewer things, it is likely that you will want to hold on to some important things without sacrificing your space. With this in mind, it is crucial to store the things you do have in an efficient manner.
4. Embrace Digital Storage
Depending on your age, occupation, passion and many other factors, you may have items that can be better stored digitally than physically in your living space. Things like photos, articles, books and music can now be stored digitally in a space the size of your hand. If these things are important to you but take up a lot of space, consider digitizing them and giving them away.
Digital storage is limited because it cannot store most things you really need like clothes, food or water. That said, on the journey towards a more minimalist lifestyle, digital storage can be a very helpful tool.
5. Practice Gratitude and Mindful Consumption
To bring the changes into our lives that we want to see, we have to cultivate those changes from within ourselves. While I have given you some practical steps to bringing minimalism into your life, perhaps the easiest way to live a minimalist life is to practice gratitude on a regular basis. So much of our world is about looking for the next thing that will excite us, that will give us another hit of dopamine. When you practice gratitude, you can quiet that insatiable hunger for more. With this at the core of your life, practicing minimalism becomes much easier. Some ways people practice gratitude include meditation, walks in the park, yoga and many more.
On a similar note, it is important to practice mindful consumption. No matter how grateful you are, you will likely take more than you truly need at various stages in your life. Bring awareness to those places so that they do not accumulate too much over time. When you find yourself in a situation where you need to consume and then dispose of something, bring awareness to that fact, cultivate a sense of gratitude for that opportunity and then let it go. Bringing awareness to these spaces is the most fundamental aspect of practicing a minimalist lifestyle.
To connect with people that are interested in minimalism, community and efficiency, download the Alset App where you can exchange goods and services with forward looking people. Implementing minimalism into your life can be challenging but if you follow these five steps, you will be well on your way.
Download the App and Join the Community! See you there!
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This post was written by Rc Diedrich. You can contact him at