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The Origins of Alset: A Conversation with the Founder of Alset, Rob Lo (Part II)

Writer's picture: Rc DiedrichRc Diedrich

Updated: May 19, 2024

I recently had a conversation with Founder and CEO of Alset, Rob Lo. We talked about the origins of the platform, the values and mission of the app and what the future of our world is going to look like. Below you’ll find the second part of our conversation. You can see the first part in the post titled “The Origins of Alset: A Conversation with the Founder of Alset, Rob Lo (Part I)

Rc Diedrich: What kind of world and society is Alset trying to create?

Rob Lo: There are a lot of things about our current world that I would like to see change and Alset is targeting these issues. Right now, people have a hard notion that they have to be working all the time to get what they need. So now we have the 40 hour work week that is deeply ingrained in our society but I personally don’t think that’s how we should be operating. We should be trading for what we need so we can spend our time creating because that is what we are here to do. We are here to create and co-create and I have learned through many life experiences that creation is our human purpose. Recently, I came to a point in my path where I experienced the passing of three good friends and in these moments of grief and mourning I have asked myself, “what is it exactly that we are grieving about?” And in reflecting on the value of human life, I have come to the conclusion that when we are grieving the loss of life, we are grieving about the loss of creation - the loss of creation from God and the loss of creation from that individual because they are no longer able to create and co-create with us. With this understanding, it is clear that we should be spending more time creating and living instead of working jobs that we don’t like in order to survive. This system of working has become a form of enslavement. And so that is one of the main things that I would like to see in the future, more emphasis on human beings and their capacity to create and co-create.

Rc Diedrich: What kind of obstacles do you think get in the way of us achieving our creative purposes today?

Rob Lo: Well there are certainly many things that distract us from this purpose, from our creator and source. It is easy to pull people’s attention away from what we were designed to do by delivering all of this entertainment, distractions and sense of scarcity. When you need to work and are stressed about paying your bills all the time, then what time do you have to create? By the time you get home from a nine to five job, you only have a few hours to make dinner, to rest and to do the minor things that distract yourself from having to get up the next morning to do it all over again. This world that we are living is largely an illusion that distracts us from what we are really here to be doing. And so to come back to the question you asked me earlier about how we can shift people’s mindsets, what we are asking people to do is to give up the system of entrapment that they find themselves in. It isn’t that people asked to be in this fiat system but they are born into it and it can feel like there is no way out, but that is what Alset is. It is the alternative and definitely requires a level of risk that comes with shifting paradigms and this can be scary. I am essentially asking people to give up their pacifier. And so let me come back to the other question, “how do you think Alset can help people shift to a barter system?” It's similar to the question, how did you wean yourself off of your pacifier when you were a child? The truth is that each individual is on their own journey and they have to come to things on their own, but we can show them the alternatives and offer them ways out of the system that they are currently subscribed to. There has to be a level of security and confidence for people to make these types of changes and so that is why numbers and community are so important. Having enough people, and enough of the right people, that really want to build community is how we are working towards developing that sense of security because although it can be scary to take risks and make changes, it is so important.

Rc Diedrich: What does the future of Alset look like?

Rob Lo: Well first I think that people will be moving away from our current monetary system and start to become self-reliant instead of relying on the government and big corporations. They will start to see that there are so many benefits of being an independent, autonomous thinker and once people start to realize this, they will be able to shape the future and build the community that we have been talking about. They’ll be able to address their issues with the current systems and make the appropriate changes. So I think the future of Alset is tied to this sort of shift towards practical community. I am hoping that people will be able to spend less time on their basic survival needs and can spend more time on creating a healthier, more altruistic society for all of us. What I am creating is only one piece of what we can all create together. By giving people their time back, Alset is creating the space for people to build the society and community in which they want to exist and that opens up a lot of possibilities for the future. It gives them time to give back to their community and this is important because it is how we better ourselves as a society and as a group of beings. While the changes might be slow at first, I think that they will grow exponentially as people start to understand how they can implement the changes that they want to see in the world. So we are really trying to shine some light in the darkness so that other people can see it, understand it and use it in a way that benefits themselves and their communities.

Rc Diedrich: If you could send out a message to everyone in the world, what would it be?

Rob Lo: Well I am drawn back to one of my favorite quotes in life which is “freely give, freely receive”. This concept has guided me very well in life and I realize that when I give away my things, there are so many things that show up later in abundance. It doesn’t happen immediately but it does come around and I think that people should be living in this spirit. There is a word in some African languages, Ubuntu, that is similar to this concept. It essentially translates to “I am because we are” and I think this concept combined with the idea of freely give, freely receive has the power to strengthen and unify individuals, communities, societies and humanity as a whole.

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This post was written by Rc Diedrich. You can contact him at

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